【行き先 destination】 鷓鴣山(Che Kwu Shan) Razor Hill
【集合時間 meeting time】 9:30am
【集合場所 meeting place】 MTR彩虹駅 恒生銀行ATM前
MTR Kwun Ton Line “Choi Hung” Station, @ Hang Seng Bank ATM
【予定コース course】
彩虹駅 Choi Hung Station -(Minibus 1,1A,1M,etc.)– 壁屋 Pik Uk – 碧翠路 Razor Hill Rd – 壁屋凹 Pik Uk Au – 鷓鴣山 Razor Hill(▲432m) ― 寶琳北路 Po Lam Road North - 寶林邨 Po Lam Estate
[難易度 difficulty scale] 3★★★☆☆
[ハイキング区間 Distance] 約3km around 3km
【概要 summary】 “鷓鴣山”(Razor Hill)は標高432m、MTR将軍澳線の終点“寶琳”近くにあり、釣魚翁(High Junk Peak)に上ったときは対峙して見えるので気になる山です。また、大規模な石切り場である大上托を、裏側から緑の山のままの姿で鑑賞できる稀有なスポットです。
Razor Hill (鷓鴣山) is near the end of Tseung Kwan O Line ‘Po Lam’ station and catches your eye when you’re on the opposite mountain High Junk Peak (釣魚翁). Razor Hill is the remarkable spot where you can enjoy the green mountain view of Tai Sheung Tok (大上托) whose other side is a great quarry.
Though this mere 3km route tends to be forgotten because of its shortness, the 360°view from the top and the downhill path is spectacular. All the essential elements of Hong Kong including mountains, seas and dense high-rise residential buildings are here.
We’re going up through a posh residential area first, and then entering the path in a wood. The unexpected access to the path is interesting. The upwards height difference is around 200m and the downwards difference is around 400m. We’d like to go to a Chinese restaurant in Po Lam Estate after hiking. However, if it’s full, we’re going to the shopping mall by Po Lam station.
We put ‘3’ for difficulty scale because it’ll possibly be very hot. Meanwhile, we expect the hiking takes only 2 hours. Why not try it!
●Flip-flops and sandals aren’t appropriate for the pebbly downhill path.
●We’ll walk in the sun. Be well prepared wearing a cap and bringing enough drinking water.
●Long trousers are recommend because the pass is covered with tall grass on a short part of the route.
●It’s better if you bring an insect repellent.
【連絡先 contact】
6501 3249 (石川 Ms Ishikawa) 幹事 Organizer
9377 5236 (上野 Mr Ueno)代表幹事 Chief Organizer
Feel free to contact above numbers for any assistance. e.g. you are late, unable to find the meeting place, not sure whether hiking will take place under the given weather.